August 16, 2016

Ramblings Episode 570: Gender Swapping Movies

Some sound good and some do not, but is this true change or a fad? #RoaUMP

Run time: 12:11

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1 comment:

Gary G said...

I think that this is just a fad, but like you, I hope it is just a transition to more original movies with female leads. I think that in our current era of political correctness and everyone has to be equal, remaking a movie with a specific demographic filling the original roles is just bad business. I also believe that it tells that demographic that they would be accepted better if the movie is already a hit. Although a little different, the same could be said about remaking a movie and changing the ethnicity of the characters, like the remake of Steel Magnolias. From the reviews I read it didn't do very well, possibly because it was a nearly exact duplicate of the original with different people playing the parts. What is wrong with making original movies? Look at what Spike Lee and Tyler Perry have done with the movies they made. They used original stories, as far as I know, and their movies did very well.

One exception, in my opinion, is the remake of The Wizard of Oz, The Wiz. Since they changed the style of the movie and gave it a much more urban feel, along with great songs, it worked well.