February 17, 2005

@*$%# Groundhog!

We had a taste of spring here late last week with temperatures in the 40's. The snow was melting, the sun was shining. It was beautiful.

Then the curse of the groundhog came into effect. Phil the groundhog can't be wrong with his prediction of 6 more weeks of winter, so our early spring was short-circuited due to the whims of a RODENT ! It's just not fair. After all, he doesn't even live in the ground anymore! What's his incentive to bless us with an early spring? Groundhogs hibernate during the winter. So why does Phil always give us six more weeks of winter? Because he's ticked that he got awakened to give a weather prediction! Besides, five minutes after ruining our early spring he's back dreaming about she-hogs, so he's happy to get an extra-long nap at the end of the winter.

So, I think it's time that we IMPEACH THE 'HOG. These abuses of meteorological power have got to stop. I am campaigning that Phil the groundhog be removed from office and replaced by a nice gerbil. Or a bunny. Or maybe a gopher. Any rodent will do just so they like spring better than winter.

To help with the IMPEACH THE 'HOG campaign you can send me money, preferably tens and twenties. Every little bit helps. Also, get your IMPEACH THE 'HOG yard sign, which will be available as soon as the ground thaws enough. Thank you for your support!

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