March 02, 2005

Happy Birthday Ted Geisel??

Today's the day! The time has come!
It is the birthday of a special one.

"Who is this man?" the Lorax said.
It's Dr. Seuss, also known as Ted.

"Hooray! A birthday" said the Cat,
"Let's send him a gift; a scarf or a hat!"

"No, let's send him eggs, and lots of ham
There's nothin' else like them," said Sam I Am.

"But wait," I said, and quelled the whole throng
"I think he's dead. Yes, I'm sure Ted is gone"

"Then tell me why," the Grinch growled at me,
"There are birthday wishes today on TV!"

I scratched my puzzler until my puzzler was sore.
This was certainly strange, and I thought some more.

It was certainly true that Ted was gone,
So who celebrates birthdays when we move on?

We party for Elvis, and John Lennon, too.
But is it for them that we make such a coo?

Isn't it stupid for us to count all the years,
that they might have had if they were still here?

I think it's not right, so no birthday for Ted.
But Seuss lives on and his books are still read.

So to Ted "Farewell!" and thanks for the gift,
For reading Dr. Seuss gives us all a lift.

Congrats Dr. Seuss, who we love and adore.
Happy Birthday to you, and a 101 more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The others were humerous, but I liked this one the the best. My son is behind me with Suess in his lap.