February 01, 2007

Rambling Rant: Bass Ackwards

This rant is for those members of the driving public that prefer to back into parking spaces. If you are one of these people, consider this a public service announcement just for you. Enjoy!

Parking backward takes skill and finesse. You do not have any. You invariably end up on the line and too close to the car next to you. Nine times out of ten your vehicle is crooked.

To quote Mr. Spock, parking bass ackwards is illogical. Does it really make more sense to back into a space ten foot wide and twelve foot long, then it does to back out of a parking spot into a much larger area?

Have you noticed that it takes you longer to park this way? While you are trying to cram your SUV into a parking spot that you can't see because your eyes face the wrong way, I have parked my vehicle, gone into the store, made my purchases, and are leaving before you can hit my car.

If you have one of those vehicles that beep while you are in reverse, take note of how long you hear it. If the sound lasts longer than 30 seconds you are probably in violation of local noise pollution laws.

So, please, stop it. Just don't do it... for the children. Or the spotted owl. Or whatever.

End of rant.

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