October 10, 2008


Yesterday I finished a big project, one I have been working on over the last 4-5 years. It is a novella-length, time travel adventure story, and is the longest written work I have completed to date. I have finished several short stories over the years, but never something of this size.

I've been writing sporadically since middle school, and while I have had gaps of time where I am not doing it, it is something that I enjoy and always get back to. This novella was born out of an idea for a single scene, and grew to encompass 40220 words. I hope to do something with it in the future, perhaps podcast it or try to shop it around. First the wife needs to read it and tell me if it is any good. If it is then you'll be hearing more about it. If not, then it's back to work.

But for today it is enough to be done. To enjoy the glow of a labor completed, and blow my own horn about it.


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