October 21, 2015

Ramblings Episode 335 – That 1960’s Color

It’s possible that Spectre might look more like an original James Bond than I first thought. #RoaUMP #RoaUMP

Run time: 8:24

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Gary G said...

I think Skyfall did a little of that as well, and I think the new one has the same director. I like how they have made this Bond less gadgety. Just good old spy stuff and fistycuffs.

Gary G said...

I think Skyfall did a little of that as well, and I think the new one has the same director. I like how they have made this Bond less gadgety. Just good old spy stuff and fistycuffs.

kh said...

Yes, although I loved that they worked the Astin Martin with the ejector seat into Skyfall.

Gary G said...

That was very cool.