October 28, 2015

Ramblings Episode 341 – Star Wars: The Proper Order

There is a best way to watch my favorite sci-fi movie series. #RoaUMP

Run time: 16:34

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Gary G said...

I've never thought about the order of the movies much, but you make a good argument. The only scene I thought was completely gratuitous was the birth scene at the end of episode 3. I liked the version of it in the Lego Star Wars game best. Many times, watching a prequel is distracting to me because I'm anticipating certain events. I thought Prometheus did the prequel thing well. It explained some of the elements seen in Alien, but was a good story by itself.

Gary G said...

I've never thought about the order of the movies much, but you make a good argument. The only scene I thought was completely gratuitous was the birth scene at the end of episode 3. I liked the version of it in the Lego Star Wars game best. Many times, watching a prequel is distracting to me because I'm anticipating certain events. I thought Prometheus did the prequel thing well. It explained some of the elements seen in Alien, but was a good story by itself.