December 15, 2015

Ramblings Episode 379: ID2 vs The New Trek

Once again similar movie trailers evoke different reactions. #RoaUMP

Run time: 11:02

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Gary G said...

I just watched both trailers and agree with what you said. If I had to guess what the Star Trek movie is about is they come across a planet at the edge of Federation space that doesn't want to play nice. Other than that it's hard to say. Let's hope they do fewer lens flares this time around.

kh said...

JJ isn't directing this one so hopefully that will take care of the lens flares. I didn't notice any in the trailer. After a re-watch I think you're right about the plot, but I didn't really care for the Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome vibe I felt in spots. the music was also a strange choice.