May 19, 2016

Ramblings Episode 503: Digital vs. Paper

Which is better for comprehension reading? #RoaUMP

Run time: 7:53

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Gary G said...

When I'm reading for pleasure, I'll get a printed book if its something I want to keep, and try to check out a digital copy if it isn't. Anytime I'm trying to learn something, I'll go with a printed copy unless there's no other option. I like highlighting and writing notes on the pages when I study. That helps me to recall the material better.

Gary G said...

When I'm reading for pleasure, I'll get a printed book if its something I want to keep, and try to check out a digital copy if it isn't. Anytime I'm trying to learn something, I'll go with a printed copy unless there's no other option. I like highlighting and writing notes on the pages when I study. That helps me to recall the material better.