November 11, 2015

Ramblings Episode 352 – Stereotypes

Once again the latest internet outrage is feeding false group images. #RoaUMP

Run time: 13:15

Press Play on the player above or download the episode here by right clicking and selecting "Save target as..."


Gary G said...

Whitefish point and the shipwreck museum are some of our favorite things do to up there. I think it's cool they have the B&B there now. It sounds like something we would enjoy. As for the whole red cup nonsense, ridiculousness to the nth degree.

Gary G said...

Whitefish point and the shipwreck museum are some of our favorite things do to up there. I think it's cool they have the B&B there now. It sounds like something we would enjoy. As for the whole red cup nonsense, ridiculousness to the nth degree.