November 14, 2015

Ramblings Episode 356 – Being Coy With the Details

One method of storytelling that is great when done well, and lousy when done wrong. #RoaUMP

Run time: 14:38

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1 comment:

Gary G said...

It's almost the same as movie trailers. You have to find a good balance with getting people interested, but not give away too much to early. There have been a few books I have stopped reading because I just didn't feel like there was enough there to fill an entire book. Usually it's just that I'm not in the right mood for the book. Sometimes I'll give a book a second chance, and almost always enjoy it the second time, like The Dark Tower series. My first time through it, I got as far as Wizard and Glass and gave up on it at some point in that book. Some years later I gave it another try and was glad I did.